Due to the approaching end of the project, the round of grants applications closed on December 1, 2023 was the last one.
We thank all the granted researchers and visiting scientists for the enthusiasm shown in this initiative!
The visiting scientist program supports stays of world-leading senior scientists from one week up to 6 months. There are two categories of visiting senior scientists eligible for the visiting scientist program:
- Category 1: A senior SIAM scientist or senior scientist officially affiliated with SIAM who would like to visit another research group abroad or within the Netherlands.
- Category 2: A senior scientist (guest researcher) from abroad or another Dutch research group who would like to visit one of the SIAM partners. In this case, one of the SIAM partners will propose the candidate and act as host.
In both cases the senior scientist is expected to make a substantial impact on the SIAM gravitation program by contributing to its research, teaching, visibility, or outreach.
Visiting_Scientist_instructions_Travel and Declarations
Application form Category 1
Application form Category 2
Visiting_Scientist_instructions_Travel and Declarations
Declarationform for travel and other expenses for non-employees
Business travel application form for non-employees (75% advance payment)