SIAM Fall Symposium 2022: a fulfilling day of research results after a long online period

On September 29, a solid group of 28 SIAM researchers belonging to all four partners, met in person in Utrecht for a day dedicated to research results and networking.

There were good vibes in Utrecht: Principal Investigators, PhDs and Postdocs brought all their energy into a day we were all waiting for. It was also the first time many could meet in real life colleagues from other Institutions. During the four sessions of oral presentations, all parners had the opportunity to show their state of the art and expected progresses in the field of anaerobic microbiology. The afternoon was mostly dedicated to poster presentations and networking moments.

The day was also broadcasted online, so that additional SIAM members could benefit from the exchange of information.

Now the attention is already to next year. On top of Conferences where it will be possible to meet, the SIAM community will get together for the celebrative SIAM Final Symposium, planned in September 2023.

Posters@SIAM Fall Meeting 2022
Sebastian Lücker presenting the SIAM research group at Radboud University